UNdemocratic Takeover
The elite$ are no longer content to determine events factually and indirectly – they are openly reaching for world domination.
Thanks to prolific outrage management, the debate space is mostly dominated by smokescreens, straw men and test balloons. Side shows of the ubiquitous madness are played with fervor. Meanwhile, the United Nations (UN) is working largely unobserved to finally turn “global governance” into “global government.” Time to direct oppositional resources to the root of the anti-democratic evil of our epoch.
By Tom-Oliver Regenauer, July 15, 2023 – English translation by DeepThought
The “Great Reset” is through. The global vaccination passport issue is also in the bag. It will come. And the spiral of impoverishment fueled by the “Green Digital Economy” will continue unabated. Just like the artificial scarcity and synthesization of our food or widespread geoengineering with its incalculable implications for flora and fauna.
The warm-up training is over. The conditioning corona camp closed, the “global governance” of “public-private partnerships” established in everyday life. Interpretive elitist dominance, surveillance-state technocracy, biosecurity doctrine, education and attitude media, algorithmized censorship, transportation, energy and time revolution, Fourth Industrial Revolution and QR code dystopia. A life with “smombies” and internet bubbles, instead of fellow humans and a sense of community. “The grand narrative,” the “New Normal.” All long since reality.
Yes, the battlefield on which autonomy and liberal social designs are currently being fought is a wide one. And even if the broad-based class struggle from above is losing some momentum, international corporatism is well positioned and the propaganda and nudging apparatus is well honed.
Thus, thanks to sophisticated social engineering, almost every social current, every disruption, and every amplitude of emotion serves the neo-feudalist transformation agenda of a transatlantic plutocracy. Even resistance.
Moreover, the overdriven massacre of discourse, data and documents in the lengthy war of position with bureaucratic windmills absorbs energy and visibly clouds perception. Frequent result: white noise. Disorientation. Wild actionism, then burnout. That’s how information warfare works.
Due to the multitude of front lines, many people are drawn to the one where they believe they can make the most personal difference. Or the one that seems most threatening to their own existence. Outrage management, in other words - the version of “divide and conquer” that is delivered via displays. So while people in many places are still lamenting about the Great Reset and quite rightly getting worked up about the fact that international travel will soon no longer be possible without the technocratic-totalitarian health certificate of a democratically non-legitimized WHO corrupted by Big Pharma, the faceless adversary on the poorly visible flanks is bringing out far more dangerous artillery. Because a globally applicable health passport can probably still be escaped somehow, be it by ceasing to travel, but a globally applicable tax system can hardly be escaped.
And this is exactly what the United Nations (UN), the corrupt successor organization to the League of Nations founded in 1920 and dissolved in 1946, is working on feverishly. Under the title “Our Common Agenda,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced as early as September 2021, on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, that he wanted to accelerate the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. According to Guterres, this urgently requires more momentum. Because “problems” that were already named by the UN in 2015 have still not been solved. Guterres is referring primarily to intergovernmental agreements that not all member states have signed to date. This is out of justified concern about the final loss of any national autonomy.
So far, “global governance” has consisted of a superficially chaotic, supposedly poorly interconnected web of supranational organizations: IMF, World Bank, UNESCO, WHO, WEF, CFR, IPCC, Chatham House, countless NGOs and think tanks, et cetera. To turn this into what the initiators and financiers of the UN and its 60 or so sub-organizations envision – “global government” - a unifying element is needed. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the international vaccination passport, digital central bank money or a globally valid single currency, but a globally valid tax system. Only such a system can turn a loose association of organizational units into a state and constitute a government. If it were to be implemented on a global level, one could really speak of a world government.
The General Assembly of the United Nations, which is infested with financial felt and mismanagement, agreed to Guterres’ proposal and is now planning a meeting called “Summit for the Future,” to be held Sept. 22-23, 2024. In preparation for this Summit for the Future, which is likely to herald a kind of final spurt on the road to treaty-based world government, the “Sustainability Summit” (SDG Summit 2023) is already taking place in New York on September 18-19, 2023. According to Guterres, this meeting, which will take place in a few weeks, marks the end of the first half of the road to the completion of the 2030 Agenda.
They are in a hurry up there in the ivory tower of power. At UN headquarters, they are no longer hiding the actual goals of the supranational organization. Whereas up to now, despite corruption scandals that even the mainstream has been unable to ignore, they have taken great pains to appear as the peaceful patrons of the “Global Common Goods” (GCG), as guardians of human rights, the oceans, the ozone layer and the Antarctic, new papers from the globalist circle in the Big Apple – the “Our Common Agenda Policy Briefs” – prove that the UN has nothing less in mind than finally elevating itself to the status of a formal world government.
For one thing, the United Nations is shamelessly extending its claim to power to two further “global commons”: outer space, which is relevant for seamless monitoring of the planet (Policy Brief 7), and digital space (Policy Brief 5). Both domains are about “full-spectrum dominance”. On the other hand, by means of the “Common Agenda”, increasing pressure is being exerted on the 193 member states to submit fully to the dictates of the UN General Assembly and thus to the will of Anglo-American high finance.
How the United Nations understands its role in the management or curtailment of digital space became more than clear in the course of the Corona crisis. As early as March 2020, Guterres spoke of an “infodemic” and “information contamination,” calling for the suppression of unpopular information regarding COVID-19. On April 30, 2020, the UN’s “Division of Global Communications” followed up, detailing the five measures it intends to take to deal with this “infodemic.” In August 2022, the United Nations officially declared war on “dangerous conspiracy theories” and “false information.” To this end, the online campaign “Think Before Sharing” was launched. Neither the Corona crisis nor the world is secretly controlled by a financial elite, New York announced.
And although it has since become clear that the opponents of the Corona measures were correct in practically all their criticisms, i.e. there was hardly any misinformation, but plenty of valid counter-arguments, the United Nations continues its battle for interpretive sovereignty unabated, as underlined by remarks made by António Guterres during a meeting of the UN Security Council in July 2022.
The procedure is well known and coincides with plans and processes of the European Commission. Anything that does not conform to the one-size-fits-all opinion favored by the top of the food chain is labeled either misinformation or hate speech. Contrary positions, factual criticism and open discourse are criminalized. In this way, these institutions are not fighting against hate speech, but against that speech which they hate. It is the installation of an Orwellian-style global Ministry of Truth. See UN Policy Brief 8 of June 2023 on “Information Integrity on Digital Platforms.” Or the aforementioned Policy Brief 5 of May 2023 called “A Global Digital Compact”, dedicated to creating an “open, free and secure digital future for all,” and supported in Germany by a “Global Compact Network”. The fact that the exact opposite of the adjectives used in the rainbow-colored slogan is to be expected should have long been clear to the informed observer. Loosely based on Walter Ulbricht, “No one intends to build a wall.”
Of equal concern are the United Nations’ plans to establish an “emergency response platform” to provide an internationally harmonized response to “complex global shocks.” See Policy Brief 2, which is dated March 2023. This is not a simple online tool designed to ensure rapid delivery of relief supplies in the event of actual disasters such as earthquakes, but a binding set of rules that compels all member states to respond in unison to a crisis situation declared by the UN. The document cites the following scenarios as examples of such “shocks”: Pandemics, climate change-induced events, the disruption of international flows of goods or finance, disruptions in cyberspace, incidents in outer space, and so-called “black swan events” – that is, unforeseen incidents of all kinds. What the United Nations is presenting to the member states for ratification with this vaguely worded draft decision is nothing other than a blank check. A carte blanche to arbitrary power madness. On top of that, the paper states that said “shocks” or the concerted reaction to them can lead to the restriction of general human rights – including structural discrimination or other injustices.
To be better prepared for these vague threats, the UN wants to optimize its strategic foresight. To this end, a “Future Lab” is to be set up, which will regularly publish risk assessments. The stated goal is that by 2027, every person on the planet will have access to these risk reports and the aforementioned emergency platform. The Swedish scientist and author Dr. Jacob Nordangard writes in this regard on March 21, 2023 on his generally recommendable website:
“The publication of global risk reports is modeled on the UN partner World Economic Forum (WEF)(...) and the Global Challenges Foundation, partner of the UN High-Level Panel on Effective Multilateralism, (...) some in collaboration with transhumanist Nick Bostrom's Future of Humanity Institute. (...). The close ties between these organizations show where the expertise comes from. Last year, Johan Rockström, a board member of the Global Challenges Foundation, together with Thomas Dixon of the Canadian Cascade Institute, proposed the establishment of an international research program on polycrises to support the United Nations Future Lab. The goal of the consortium is to identify causal mechanisms that can cause a polycrisis and propose actionable measures to mitigate this risk. (...)
Both the physical world and humanity are viewed as systems that can be influenced and steered in a desired direction. The Cascade Institute was established shortly after the 2020 pandemic was declared through a grant from Canada's McConnell Foundation to identify key actions that can mitigate climate change. Rockström, who is a member of Cascade’s Scientific Advisory Board, also sets the boundaries for human action through the Earth Commission in the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisor’s Global Commons Alliance project, while the Potsdam Institute, for example, runs its own Future Labs. One can assume that both Rockström and Dixon will be part of the emerging scientific priesthood that will calculate the planet's carrying capacity (...) and on that basis warn the UN of global shocks. (...) It is all closely related to the UN's forward-looking work, which is covered in Policy Brief 1 - To Think and Act for Future Generations - published at the same time. (...)
In short, this creates a mechanism that risks becoming more dangerous to humanity than the crises it is designed to address. Especially considering that our individual carbon footprint is considered so unsustainable that it justifies a planetary emergency, according to the Club of Rome, Potsdam Institute, and Global Commons Alliance. Even UN Secretary General António Guterres has adopted this rhetoric. It is important to recall in this context the “Fortress World scenario” from the Global Scenario Group’s report “The Great Transition: The Promises and Lures of our Times,” published in 2002. It states:
On the heels of a revamped United Nations organization, a global state of emergency is declared. A campaign of overwhelming violence, harsh justice and draconian police measures sweeps through hotspots of conflict and discontent.”
In view of these intransparent connections, the influence that the United Nations has secured for itself since the Second World War, and the organization’s plans until 2030, it becomes clear that not too much is missing to finally turn the prevailing “global governance” into “global government” – the world government that has always been ostracized as a conspiracy theory.
The final expansion stage of a faceless empire on which democratic processes no longer have any influence. A bureaucratic monster that controls a collective anonymized by technocratic methods via screen.
The keystone on the way to the neocolonialist enslavement of civilization is a globally applicable tax system. And this is exactly what the United Nations is planning with Policy Brief 6 of May 2023 under the title “Reforms of the International Financial Architecture”. Beginning on page 28 of the document, the organization describes, in a coded manner and using the usual feel-good nomenclature, what a transnational, internationally harmonized tax system should look like. With working instructions 15 to 17, the UN calls on its member states to create the corresponding legal and technical conditions. At the end of the corresponding paragraph, the globalist alliance demands:
“Action 17: Create non-reciprocal tax information exchange and mechanisms that use developing countries. Publish beneficial ownership information for all legal entities. The international community should develop mechanisms to automatically provide banking services and financial account information to developing countries at risk of illicit use of financial flows, allowing them to benefit from existing tax transparency mechanisms while gradually building the capacity to become full participants in these mechanisms. International agreements should be amended to allow local authorities to make broader use of information exchanged under tax treaties, for example in prosecuting non-tax financial crimes. As a first step, country-by-country reporting by multinational corporations should be reformed to make corporate reporting information publicly available. Countries should strengthen beneficial ownership transparency systems with broad coverage and automated verification and publication of information. Such registries would be groundbreaking developments in the effort to properly tax large estates and multinational corporations.”
Sounds turgid and complex, but means nothing other than: Make sure that any financial information is stored automatically and made available to authorities across countries so that we can put a stop to any financial transaction we don’t like or tax it accordingly – worldwide. We start with the multinational corporations and the wealthy. Then we’ll turn to the citizens.
So as understandable as the mobilization against a global health passport or the WHO, against individualized CO2 tracking and an educational approach that makes pedophilia acceptable may be – these undertakings fall short. They are a fight against symptoms of a tumor that continues to spread despite surgical intervention, an attempt to amputate the arms of a hydra that suffers no substantial damage in the process. The real problem manifests itself one level higher. It is the scandal-ridden UN that must be stopped. The declared goal of every grassroots democratic, voluntarist or anarchist movement must therefore be to dissolve or at least abandon the United Nations, which is nothing other than a neo-feudalist globalist league of Anglo-American high finance, and to replace it with a league of nations supported “from below” and based on genuine international understanding at eye level.
The Agenda 2030’s hypocritical sustainability goals are not the only sufficient proof that the UN’s plans are totalitarian in character. After all, the “right to a bank account” or the “right to a digital identity” represent obligations rather than fundamental or human rights based on humanistic convictions.
Even the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ratified by UN resolution in 1948 is not worth the paper it is written on. For after 29 flowery articles on all kinds of rights, the elite club makes it unmistakably clear in paragraph 29.3:
“These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”
This is followed by the final Article 30, which additionally states:
“Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.”
In plain language, anyone who does not share the same goals as the UN or even dares to take action against the organization has no rights at all.
This article was first published in German on manova.news.
About the author:
Tom-Oliver Regenauer was born in 1978. After completing a business education, he worked in various industries and roles, including as a business manager, corporate and management consultant, and international project manager with assignments in over 20 countries. Since the mid-1990s, he has also been active as a music producer and lyricist and runs an independent record label. The German-born author has lived in Switzerland since 2009. His most recent publication was “Homo Demens - Texte zu Zeitenwende, Technokratie und Korporatismus”. For more information, visit regenauer.press.