Who opened PANDemORAS box?
Startling facts about the PsyCoV-19 crime revealed by Frances Leader in December 2020, confirmed and supplemented by "a concerned reader" (Mr. Redacted), and published by The Exposé on January 23.
“We do not accept the paradox that legal responsibility should be least where power is the greatest.” –Justice Robert Jackson (writing to US President Harry Truman in advance of the 1945 military tribunal at Nuremberg)
The Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals were principally concerned with prosecuting crimes against the peace, but they created a precedent that individuals – state leaders – could be held criminally accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity. This development represented an explicit rejection of the doctrine that a head of state should be considered immune from legal liability. –http://humanrightshistory.umich.edu
Since the original article at The Exposé is quite lengthy, I have shortened it a bit for the sake of clarity and only reproduce what I consider to be the most important parts here. The original article including a partial transcript of EPOCH TV's interview with Dr. Ryan Cole, an interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf by Mark Steyn of GBNews and many other interesting links can be found here.
A pandemic of Lies: MHRA confirms COVID is Man-Made & the Vaccines are not based on the “Virus” but instead on Computer Generated DNA
By The Exposé on January 23, 2023
I recently came across a fantastic email exchange between Francis Leader and the UK Medicine Regulator, the MHRA –
In this exchange, the MHRA admits that as regards the Covid-19 vaccines –
1. The DNA template used does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person
2. The DNA template (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 GenBank 908947.3), was generated via a combination of gene synthesis and recombinant DNA technology.
The email chain looked too good to be true. Because, in layman’s terms, their admission is the smoking gun which proves that the Covid-19 pandemic was man-made. SARS-CoV-2 was synthesised according to the MHRA. It was not isolated from nature. So I decided to write to the MHRA myself. Here is my email chain, a copy of which I have sent to the Expose…
By a concerned reader
My Email Chain with the MHRA
Sent: 30 August 2022 19:34
To: MHRA Customer Services MHRACustomerServices@mhra.gov.uk
Cc: MHRACustomerserivces@mhra.gov.uk
Subject: FOI 22/983 – Confirmation
Dear Regulators,
Can you confirm whether or not this email chain on the web between yourselves and Frances Leader about the Pfizer vaccine is genuine?
If necessary please treat this as an FOI request.
Yours gratefully
Mr Redacted
Received: 21/20/22 15:01
From: MHRA Customer Services MHRACustomerserivces@mhra.gov.uk
FOI 22/983
Dear Mr Redacted,
Thank you for your information request dated 30 August 2022.
I am pleased to provide you with some of the information requested, see below.
We confirm the email responses to Frances Leader about the Pfizer vaccine are genuine.
If you disagree with how we have interpreted the Freedom of Information Act 2000 with regards to your request, you can ask for the decision to be reviewed. The review will be carried out by a senior member of the Agency who was not involved with the original decision.
If you have a query about the information provided, please reply to this email.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
If you were to remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you would have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Please bear in mind that the Information Commissioner will not normally review our handling of your request unless you have first contacted us to conduct an internal review. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely
MHRA Customer Service Centre
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 4PU
Confirmation from the NIH Genbank Database
The NIH GenBank database which contains all viruses known to man (other than top secret bioweapons) has 8 entries for Wuhan SARS-Cov-2. From these one can plainly see that the reference virus used for the vaccines (NC_045512.2) was not isolated from a human and was therefore computer generated. But it is great to have that confirmed by the MHRA.
Wuhan Hu1 Reference Genome: This is NC_045512.2: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome – source – not given, December 2019 (29903 nucleotides). It is identical to MN908947.3: which was submitted to the NIH on 2020 January 5, being the 3rd computer generated iteration as detailed below…
MN908947.1: Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome.
SOURCE: None. December 2019 (30473 nucleotides)
ONLINE: 2020January12
AUTHORS: Zhang,Y.-Z., Wu,F., Chen,Y.-M., Pei,Y.-Y., Xu,L., Wang,W., Zhao,S., Yu,B., Hu,Y., Tao,Z.-W., Song,Z.-G., Tian,J.-H., Zhang,Y.-L., Liu,Y., Zheng,J.-J., Dai,F.-H., Wang,Q.-M., She,J.-L. and Zhu,T.-Y.
SUBMITTED: Direct Submission: 05-JAN-2020 Department of Zoonoses, National Institute of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Changping Liuzi 5, Beijing 102206, China
MN908947.2: Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome
SOURCE: None. December 2019 (29875 nucleotides)
ONLINE: 2020January14
AUTHORS: Zhang,Y.-Z., Wu,F., Chen,Y.-M., Pei,Y.-Y., Xu,L., Wang,W., Zhao,S., Yu,B., Hu,Y., Tao,Z.-W., Song,Z.-G., Tian,J.-H., Zhang,Y.-L., Liu,Y., Zheng,J.-J., Dai,F.-H., Wang,Q.-M., She,J.-L. and Zhu,T.-Y.
SUBMITTED: Direct Submission: 05-JAN-2020. Department of Zoonoses, National Institute of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Changping Liuzi 5, Beijing 102206, China
MN908947.3: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome
SOURCE: None. December 2019 (29903 nucleotides)
ONLINE: 2020January17
AUTHORS: Wu,F., Zhao,S., Yu,B., Chen,Y.-M., Wang,W., Hu,Y., Song,Z.-G., Tao,Z.-W., Tian,J.-H., Pei,Y.-Y., Yuan,M.L., Zhang,Y.-L., Dai,F.-H., Liu,Y., Wang,Q.-M., Zheng,J.-J., Xu,L., Holmes,E.C. and Zhang,Y.-Z.
SUBMITTED: Direct Submission: 05-JAN-2020 Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center & School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
MT019530: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate BetaCoV/Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-02/2019, complete genome.
SOURCE: Homo sapiens; female; age 49. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (throat swab). 30 December 2019 (29889 nucleotides)
LOCATION: Wuhan Hubei China. Latitude: 30.59 Longitude 114.3 Wuhan No 6 Hospital Pathology Department, Xianggang Rd
COLLECTED BY: Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
ONLINE: 2020February11
AUTHORS: Ren,L., Wang,J., Jin,Q., Xiang,Z., Wu,Z., Wu,C., Liu,Y., Yang,J. and Liu,B.
SUBMITTED: Direct Submission: 04-FEB-2020 NHC Key Laboratory of Systems Biology of Pathogens and Christophe Merieux Laboratory, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, No. 9 Dong Dan San Tiao, Dong Cheng District, Beijing
1805293611: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate BetaCoV/Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-01/2020, complete genome
SOURCE: Homo sapiens, male age 65. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (throat swab). 23 December 2019 (29899 nucleotides)
LOCATION: Wuhan Hubei China. Latitude: 30.59 Longitude 114.3 Wuhan No 6 Hospital Pathology Department, Xianggang Rd
COLLECTED BY: Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
ONLINE: 2020February11
AUTHORS: Ren,L., Wang,J., Jin,Q., Xiang,Z., Li,Y., Wu,Z., Wu,C. and Liu,Y.
SUBMITTED: Direct Submission: 04-FEB-2020. NHC Key Laboratory of Systems Biology of Pathogens and Christophe Merieux Laboratory, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College; Vision Medicals Co., Ltd, No. 9 Dong Dan San Tiao, Dong Cheng District, Beijing 100061, China
MT019531: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate BetaCoV/Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-03/2020, complete genome
SOURCE: Homo sapiens, male age 41. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (throat swab). 30 December 2019 (29899 nucleotides)
LOCATION: Wuhan Hubei China. Latitude: 30.59 Longitude 114.3 Wuhan No 6 Hospital Pathology Department, Xianggang Rd
COLLECTED BY: Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
ONLINE: 2020February11
AUTHORS: Ren,L., Wang,J., Jin,Q., Xiang,Z., Wu,Z., Wu,C., Liu,Y., Yang,J. and Liu,B
SUBMITTED: Direct Submission: 04-FEB-2020. NHC Key Laboratory of Systems Biology of Pathogens and Christophe Merieux Laboratory, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, No. 9 Dong Dan San Tiao, Dong Cheng District, Beijing 100061, China
MT019532: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate BetaCoV/Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-04/2020, complete genome
SOURCE: Homo sapiens, fe male age 52. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (throat swab). 30 December 2019 (29890 nucleotides)
LOCATION: Wuhan Hubei China. Latitude: 30.59 Longitude 114.3 Wuhan No 6 Hospital Pathology Department, Xianggang Rd
COLLECTED BY: Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
ONLINE: 2020February11
AUTHORS: Ren,L., Wang,J., Jin,Q., Xiang,Z., Wu,Z., Wu,C., Liu,Y., Yang,J. and Liu,B.
SUBMITTED: Direct Submission: 04-FEB-2020. NHC Key Laboratory of Systems Biology of Pathogens and Christophe Merieux Laboratory, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, No. 9 Dong Dan San Tiao, Dong Cheng District, Beijing 100061, China
MT019533: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate BetaCoV/Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-05/2020, complete genome – source – male age 61, 1 January 2020 (29883 nucleotides)
SOURCE: Homo sapiens, male age 61. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (throat swab). 30 December 2019 (29883 nucleotides)
LOCATION: Wuhan Hubei China. Latitude: 30.59 Longitude 114.3 Wuhan No 6 Hospital Pathology Department, Xianggang Rd
COLLECTED BY: Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
ONLINE: 2020February11
AUTHORS: Ren,L., Wang,J., Jin,Q., Xiang,Z., Wu,Z., Wu,C., Liu,Y., Yang,J. and Liu,B.
SUBMITTED: Direct Submission: 04-FEB-2020. NHC Key Laboratory of Systems Biology of Pathogens and Christophe Merieux Laboratory, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, No. 9 Dong Dan San Tiao, Dong Cheng District, Beijing 100061, China
So the NIH database itself reveals that the original Hu1 reference strain was not isolated from a human host because no isolation date is given and no specific person is specified as the host, and no part of the body is specified as providing the virus and no pathology lab is specified as a location in any of the 3 iterations to what became the reference coding for the vaccines.
Whereas in the other 5 entries for SARS-CoV-2 from Wuhan, a person is actually specified in the database as the source, together with a sample collection date, a body part from which it was isolated and the location for all 5 is the latitude and longitude for the pathology department of the Wuhan No 6 hospital in Xianggang Rd.
So the reference strain that is used to generate every vaccine (except the Chinese and the Indian whole virus vaccines) is not from a physical virus. It is a synthetic computer-generated virus RNA code. For if it had been isolated from a human, then the database would describe that human and we would know which hospital pathology department processed the swab. But it does not. Whereas the next 5 entries were isolated from a human host with ages and sexes and infected body parts and path lab as above.
This is precisely what you would expect to find if a man-made fast mutating (unstable VERY recently man-made) virus was released and then the patients it infected had samples taken from them and sequenced.
So now we can see both from the NIH GenBank database and from the CGGCGG codon pair in the furin cleavage site on the spike protein, and from the MHRA itself that SARS-CoV-2 was man-made and designed on a computer.
It is truly a testament to the influencing power of National Intelligence agencies and the corruption of most medical journals and the mainstream media, that this is not universally known or accepted.
Wuhan is a Chinese Laundry
2019 Summer: Deletion of Wuhan Institute of Virology Corona Virus data bank.
2019 October: Glen Beck discovers evidence that 10 hospitals in Wuhan had Covid-19 cases – https://100percentfedup.com/bombshell-glenn-beck-reveals-nih-and-moderna-worked-on-mrna-vaxx-together-before-pandemic/
2019 November: University of North Carolina, Moderna and NIH began the sequencing of the 1273 amino acid spike protein vaccine (from the Wuhan Hu1 template) a month before the outbreak officially occurred. (From the interview between Dr David Martin and Reiner Fullmich)
2019 November 12: Black and Vetch send $369,511 to Labyrinth Global Health in Ukraine for ”Covid-19 Research” before Covid-19 was known or named publicly.
2019 December 31: Wuhan Municipal Health Commission report discussing COVID-19 pneumonia – deleted.
Imagine that you are Albert Bourla of Pfizer or Stéphane Bancel of Moderna and you are shocked to hear that a pandemic has begun in Wuhan caused by a pneumonia-type pathogen which nobody has isolated. But fortunately, 19 nice Chinese people in Beijing 655 miles away by air have designed a virus on a computer and uploaded it to the NIH database. Then they uploaded a modification. And then 17 of those 19 people plus Yuan M. L. and Holmes E. C. submitted yet another iteration of the computer-generated virus code from Shanghai 429 miles away by air from Wuhan and 680 miles from Beijing. All 3 submissions occurred on the same day, 2020 January 5. What would be your response?
My first question would be: What relationship does your computer-generated virus have with the pathogen causing the outbreak? How are they related? There is absolutely no way that question can be answered without knowing the genetic code of SARS-CoV-2. The Chinese cannot say oh we think that our computer-generated virus is close enough to the pathogenic virus which we have not sequenced. The only way that question could be answered to the satisfaction of a commercial company, in the absence of the sequencing of any isolate is for the Chinese to admit that they made the virus. You cannot represent and A is near to B if you do not know where B is.
The NIH database shows that before 2020 February 4, the virus had not been isolated and sequenced. And we know from the double CGG codon in the furin cleavage site which does not occur in any naturally occurring virus, and from the MHRA no less, that Covid-19 was man-made. So the only conversation that could have convinced the CEOs would have been: We know that this is the gene sequence of the virus because we made the virus and we released it and we caused the pandemic.
But there is no way that 19 state-sponsored Chinese medics would say that. That would be the end of 19 careers right there (if not the end of their freedom). They would never be able to practice medicine again. Perhaps they could risk it under strict confidentiality conditions. But in the internet age those kind of agreements are worthless. Furthermore, the Chinese deleted the entire Wuhan Institute of Virology Coronavirus Data bank in the Summer of 2019 and then deleted the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission report discussing Covid-19 pneumonia on 2019 December 31. So the Chinese state would absolutely have forbidden such a conversation. The chances of that conversation having occurred are therefore zero.
But the fact is that Moderna and Pfizer both made vaccines based on the computer generated MN908947.3. They would not have done that unless they somehow knew that the virus had that code. That information can only be known for a fact by the people who made the virus and released it. There is one golden and rather obvious law about hacking. It is this: Never leave a trail unless you have to. And if you have to then make sure it points to someone else.
It is because the virus was supplied to the NIH by the Chinese and as a hacker in another life (legally I must add) I know that it was not made in China. The Chinese laundered the genome for the true manufacturers of SARS-CoV-2, the true engineers of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Whoever did make the virus would have to have fully convinced Pfizer and Moderna that they had the correct RNA sequence of the virus or no vaccine could have been made. So without a doubt, before the start of vaccine manufacture, both companies would have known that the virus was man-made as confirmed to Francis Leader and myself by the MHRA, and they would have to have known who made it and who released it, causing the pandemic, in order to be sure that they had the right sequence for the vaccine.
Now Moderna has several patents on SARS vaccines which cover the present mRNA jabs. It has such confidence in those patents that it is presently suing Pfizer over them. Early in the pandemic, Moderna said it would not enforce its COVID-19 patents to help others develop their own vaccines, particularly for low and middle-income countries. But in March 2022, Moderna said it expected companies such as Pfizer and BioNTech to respect its intellectual property rights. It said it would not seek damages for any activity before March 8, 2022. – https://nypost.com/2022/08/26/moderna-sues-pfizer-and-biontech-over-covid-vaccine/
Dr Malone, who invented mRNA technology, has a full mRNA vaccine patent analysis on his substack – https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/moderna-sues-biontechpfizer
On 2017 August 11 Moderna filed US 10064934B2
2017-08-11: Application filed by ModernaTx Inc
2018-09-04: Application granted
2018-09-04: Publication of US10064934B2
Their application contained the prescient words:
In some embodiments, at least one antigenic polypeptide is a betacoronavirus structural protein. For example, a betacoronavirus structural protein may be spike protein (S), envelope protein (E), nucleocapsid protein (N), membrane protein (M) or an immunogenic fragment thereof. In some embodiments, a betacoronavirus structural protein is a spike protein (S). In some embodiments, a betacoronavirus structural protein is a S1 subunit or a S2 subunit of spike protein (S) or an immunogenic fragment thereof.
That wording covers every conceivable type of mRNA vaccine for a SARS-type coronavirus.
Now President Voter Fraud Organisation O Bidenama at the start of his Jan6-powered presidency gave the US intelligence services the task of discovering the origins of the Covid-19 virus and asked them to report back to him within 90 days of 2021 May 26.
They released a report on their findings on 2021 August 27. Here are the wonderful words of obfuscation that they crafted…
“We judge the virus was not developed as a biological weapon. Most agencies also assess with low confidence that SARS-CoV-2 probably was not genetically engineered; however, two agencies believe there was not sufficient evidence to make an assessment either way. Finally, the IC assesses China’s officials did not have foreknowledge of the virus before the initial outbreak of COVID-19 emerged.”
I guess that is what a US intelligence agency cover-up looks like! Moderna and Pfizer had to know that it was genetically engineered or they could not have produced their vaccine with any certainty that it would work at all. So the US Intelligence Community also knew. The phrase “We judge the virus was not developed as a biological weapon” is an unsolicited denial. The word “Bioweapon” does not appear in Biden’s brief of 2021 May 26. No one asked them if it was a bioweapon. They were asked to investigate its origin. They were asked to tell us where the virus came from.
Their conclusion is what they want people to believe. It is written to influence people. Not to inform people. It is the same technique that DARPA used in refusing Peter Daszak’s 2018 March 27 DEFUSE proposal to fund the making of a virus which was precisely what ended up in the NIH database. The funding refusal occurred when the bioweapon project was classified.
So the US Intelligence community funded the bioweapon. Peter Daszak made it with some Chinese assistance. Fauci sold the response. And Moderna patented it before any of that ever happened. And Bill Gates started pushing vaccines and depopulation, two of the results of the bioweapon, 20 years before the pandemic. What are the chances?
The Chinese were used as sub-contract manufacturers (something they are exceptionally good at). And then they were persuaded to skewer themselves by providing the gene sequence of the man-made US-funded virus to the NIH in such a way that proves it was man-made. Why did they accept that indignity?
Obviously, because they did a deal with the US. Moderna needed a source other than the EcoHealth Alliance of Peter Daszak and the Chinese agreed to provide it. President Xi is now ruling China with an iron fist under the pretext of protecting the people from Covid-19 by implementing Zero Covid policies.
In other words, the pandemic gives the Chinese authorities the power grab they desire. They acted as patsies for the US in return for being given the pretext they needed to implement social credit score control of their people which are a testing ground for the worldwide rollout.
So here we have the Chinese submitting to the NIH the very bioweapon that the NIH itself had funded and had owned a patent for since 2018!!
2018: US Patent 7279327 for the chimeric adaption of the naturally occurring animal SARS Coronavirus to become infectious to humans targeting lung epithelial cells is transferred from University of North Carolina to he US National Institute for Health (NIH) – who funded it in the first place.
It is now known that the aim of the globalists is to force all mankind into a cashless society where every penny you own is controlled by your government rather than you, through a social credit score connected to smart digital currency which in biblical terms is the Mark of the beast. The Beastmark even. The Beastcoin maybe?
And we begin to see that the Chinese and the American and the British and the Australian and the Canadian and the New Zealand and the Russian and the European Intelligence services are not so far apart as they seem. They all have one common goal. And Boris and Liz could not be trusted to sell us out completely to their plan (God bless them for that). But there was one who was hungry enough for power to be trustworthy in that regard.
The plan is to force us into compliance by pandemics they design, by climate emergencies they curate, and by wars they kindle, fan and never extinguish. They are just like the DAs in democrat run cities. They kindle and fan the lawlessness. They never extinguish it. They seek the downfall of the United States, democrat-run city by democrat-run city. They are funded to abuse their power by the same people who funded Moderna to abuse our health and for the same purpose – to remove our freedom.
Dr Ryan Cole explains how the vaccines cause VAIDS
Please proceed to the original article to read this part or watch the whole interview here.
Inactivated whole virus vaccines
Please proceed to the original article to read that part. Here’s an excerpt:
[…] It is now clear to me that the computer-generated US intelligence funded Peter Daszak researched and designed and Fauci response organised bioweapon was released in China near the Wuhan lab or perhaps in the Wuhan lab in order to launder its origin just as the submission of the 3x MN908947 virus genomes from Beijing and Shanghai did. But being man-made and not naturally occurring, it was unstable and mutated very quickly into the strains isolated for the SinoPharm inactivated whole virus vaccine. Then it mutated and mutated until it returned to the common cold from whence it came.
Herd Immunity was reached within a year in the 1957 and 1968 Asian Flu and Hong Kong flu pandemics with nothing but Vitamin C. Had we treated Covid-19 with Vitamin C and Vitamin D, the pandemic would have finished last year.
It is vaccine immune system damage that has kept the thing going. And that just happens to be in Moderna’s and in Pfizer’s best interests. More importantly this pandemic has to be kept going until they can get the social credit score smart digital currency rolled out worldwide.
But the fact remains that even today, every single vaccine has the Wuhan Hu1 spike protein in it or a very very close relative. That will change if the Omicron-specific SinoPharm vaccine ever finishes its clinical trials. I am guessing that will not happen until after the social credit score smart digital currency has been rolled out.
Omicron is what God or nature did to the bioweapon. He or she neutralised it. Even Bill Gates admitted that Omicron did a better job than the vaccines in ending the pandemic. But Moderna and Pfizer do not want to end the pandemic. That is why they only half updated their bivalent vaccines rather than fully updating them. I mean where would their profits come from if the pandemic ended tomorrow? Although to be fair to Pfizer, they did produce a fully updated vaccine but the CDC failed to authorise it. So this is not only about money. It is about something more. It is about control. That is the territory of the Intelligence services of the world. For they have all colluded to ensure that the citizens of their countries are continuously being infected with the pathological spike protein of an extinct bioweapon.
Dr. Ryan Cole cannot understand why the bivalent vaccine still contains the Wuhan Hu1 US Intelligence Services-funded bioweapon of Daszak and Fauci and Moderna, in circumstances where that spike has been extinct for at least 18 months. The reason is simple. The purpose of the entire exercise was originally and still is, to fill people up with the bioweapon. There is no vaccine which does not contain the 1273 amino acid computer-generated spike (or a very close relative thereof), laundered through Wuhan, Beijing and Shanghai. But generated on a computer funded by the people who judge that it is not a bioweapon, whilst at the same time claiming to have no conclusive intelligence as to its origin.
Dr. Naomi Wolf when interviewed by Mark Steyn of GBNews said:
“Mark, I’m Jewish, and you know I can say this. I don’t think you’re going too far. I think your going exactly where you should go. It was the doctors in pre Nazi Germany in the early 30s who were co-opted by the National Socialists and sent to do exactly exactly what we’re seeing kind of replaying now. It was the medical organisations in the early 30s who were emboldened to be the arbiters of you know worthy of life, or unworthy of life and to kind of medicalise and pathologise dissent or difference.
Um so we’re seeing a wholesale purchasing of the medical establishment in the United States, in Britain and in countries around the world, to do things much more serious. Let me just give one example. You brought this up and you’re so right. I have 3500 experts at the WarRoom / DailyClout Pfizer documents research, volunteers’ effort. Medical experts, scientific experts going through the Pfizer documents and indeed they are finding horrific harms against human reproduction. 360 degree harms. Who should be stepping up to announce this? The AMA. Who is announcing it? It’s people like you and me, the last remaining independent journalists. But this is a scandal that the human race has never seen before – of such magnitude.”
Worldwide Intelligence Services Coup
1. Get control of the microphone. The mainstream media and the mainstream internet media. (Jack Dorsey suggested that Mark Zuckerberg called his new Meta Company the “Central Intelligence Corporation”)
2. Get control of the banks. (I guess that might be done with money)
3. Get control of the medical profession (by regulator-mandated treatment protocols and removing practice licences of those who refuse to submit)
4. Get control of national governments (by electronic voting machines, false opinion polls, information suppression, misinformation promotion and by paying people to cheat – that works well)
5. Get control of the people through martial law/lockdown law as a result of war, hyped environmental threats, hyped pandemic threats etc.
6. Get control of everybody’s finances (by implementing social credit score-controlled digital smart currencies)
7. Get control of everybody’s health (by destroying their immune systems and replacing them with pharmaceutical immunity, which is only available if your social credit score is good)
My social credit score wouldn’t qualify for one paracetamol. This is not the fault of Fauci, Daszak, Collins, Walenski, Trudeau, Kissinger, Putin, Xi, Obama, Blair, Bush, Gates, Zuckerberg, Schwab, or any other individual bad actor. It is the fault of the national intelligence services that have colluded to enslave us all.
The individuals whom I presently condemn, have merely sold out to that collusion. We will get nowhere by attacking them. This does not get fixed until we fix our intelligence services. They are patient zero in the real pandemic affecting mankind. A pandemic of control freakery. A pandemic resulting in Slavery23 rather than Covid19.
Here we are racing to condemn our ancestors for having slaves, whilst passively presenting our shoulders to the genetic yoke of our new slave masters.
But why are they doing this right now? Why have they made this agreement to enslave us by dastardly skullduggery at this particular time?
Well, it is because they are about to lose us. They are about to lose us to the next administration of mankind on earth. To the next political system for this planet. The Kingdom of God. And the more tightly they control us, the closer they are to losing us, and the closer we are to that Kingdom. Many people, Muslims and Christians and Jews, want to know when Jesus or at least the messiah, will come. He comes to release us from Slavery23 just as Moses was sent by God to release the Jews from Slavery (1513Nisan 14 BC) in Egypt. So plainly we must be enslaved in the Egypt of this world before he can come to release us into the real promised land of the Kingdom of God – which our enslavers would deny us!
So I say to Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Rochelle Walenski, Justin Trudeau, Henry Kissinger, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jing Ping, Barack Obama, Tony Blair, George Bush, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab and all the other Egyptians out there re-enacting the enslavement of God’s people: All the Egyptians that tried to prevent that Exodus died in the red sea by the hand of God. Yet looking more positively, all those who chased after God’s people were baptised in that sea by God himself (somewhat involuntarily). So chase after us by all means. But do not try and prevent us from leaving!
Note: The personal views of the author expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher of this substack.